Wednesday, 22 October 2008

In case you wondered where I went (again)

Teaching has started...lots of eager students(?)...12 hour days...melting

nuf said.

Has anyone seen a PhD around here anywhere coz I sure haven't?


dickiebo said...

'The boy' has just started his Teacher Training. He's coming home completely knackered! lol. I keep telling him how easy he has got it!

chunkybetty said...

Nowt like a supportive father ;)

Have you read "It's your time you're wasting" by Frank Chalk. I haven't, but from what I hear you shouldn't let Nick - it'll scare him off for life!

Whichendbites said...

What the hell is a phd ? Sounds like some form of disorder. No probs for the Einstein quote. It is not my own (obviously as my name isn't Einstein) but shows exactly where those who manage put their priorities in this thing they call managing.