Tuesday, 28 October 2008

The world is my beer fridge

After such a long hot summer(!) There are some benefits to the sudden snowy turn in the weather. It's now that time of year again that I don't have to worry about making room in the fridge for my next cold beer or two...3...

I just bung them in my lovely walk-in fridge (otherwise known as the garden).


dickiebo said...

Funny you should say this. I buy a pack of beer from Sainsbury's and keep them in my garden shed. I take out 2 at a time to go in the frig. Yesterday, for the first time ever, I just had one straight from the shed. 'Twas bloody cold, too!

Michael Pinkstone said...

So long as it's well chilled and gets to the lips as soon as possible, it doesn't matter where it comes from!