Tuesday, 14 August 2007

Top Ten Comments

Due to the success of the questionnaires - (thank you!) I've created a comment of the day section on the wiki - here are the top ten comments so far.

1. Because of email … Communication between officers and the SMT is more strained.

I've never seen any communication between officers and SMT

2. People sometimes get left out of important email communications.


3. Because of email … Too much irrelevant information is sent, wasting my time

I once had a e-mail, stating that less e-mails are to be sent

4. Too many people here use email to cover their backs

No understand question.

5. Because of email … Too much irrelevant information is sent, wasting my time

Could'nt give a toss if Jane from comms support is having a 40th birthday bash at the Horse and Cart friday night, to name one of many.

6. I am careful how I word email messages for fear they will be forwarded.

And don't send one when you are angry at 0530 in the morning, gets you in lot of smelly stuff

7. I receive many email messages not related to my work.

After a month off last year i had received 450 e-mails. 12 had relevance to me

8. Every now and then, an email message will infuriate me

More often than that

9. Because of email … I feel closer to my boss.

He e-mails me from the next office!

10. Because of email …Many trivial issues come to the attention of higher management

...and often misconstrued, requiring further emails to clarify nonsensical points of no real importance.

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