Wednesday, 29 August 2007


In relation to David Copperfield's post today 'On Combat'. Here's an excerpt from a paper on stress in the Police, this time from Canada. It would be longer but you can't copy and paste from it ho hum...

Physical Evidence of Police Officer Stress

"The results...demonstrate that police officers experience both physical and psycho-social stress on the job, anticipating stress as they go about their work, while suffering anticipatory stress at the start of each shift. The results demonstrated that the highest levels of stress occur just prior to and during critical incidents, and that officers do not fully recover from that stress before leaving their shift. Overall, the results illustrate the need to consider stress reactivity and repressors in the assessment of police officer stress wile clearly demonstrating the need for debriefing after critical incidents and increased training in stress management and coping strategies" (Anderson, Litzenberger & Plecas, Policing: An International Journal of Police Strategies & Management, 2002:399).

If anyone wa
a copy of the whole thing please email me because it's only accessible through my uni passwords and I'll get into all copyright troubles etc if I post it or attach it anywhere.

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