Friday, 25 April 2008

Lest we ever forget

The longer I left it without blogging, the more I felt that I had to come up with something particularly profound or interesting to blog about. Suffice it to say I didn't manage.

But I've been thinking recently about those blogs that are forced to disappear (and I've ranted about this before). It still really bugs me that their freedom of speech is disallowed (especially under a pseudonym), and that we are denied the benefit of their writing.

So instead of my own profound thoughts (or lack thereof) I decided to refer you back to the expert's profundity; Belfast Peeler's last post, which still brings a tear to my eye.

Go and reread it even if you already have.

(Good Luck BP)

1 comment:

dickiebo said...

Perhaps you could start a....."Whatever happened to......" series?
Good to see ya visiting us again.