Sunday, 26 November 2006

Fresher Tomatoes

I recently brought some tomatoes home from my mum's plants in one of her Ziploc bags. We ate most of them but for some reason there was one left for ages...and ages - it seemed to last forever! While store bought ones in an open plastic tray slowly went softer and redder and a bit gross (thankfully Chunky is happy with her new composter and doesn't worry about wasting food anymore).

Being an academic I can't just say "store your tomatoes in ziploc bags for freshness" - anyway, that's the point of the bags isn't it? However, this seems to go beyond the normal extra ziploc freshness (other sandwich bags are available ;) Just in case my mum's organic tomatoes are of super genetic breeding I best do a control study, some in bags some out, refrain from eating them to see if they really do last forever...well I probably won't but I don't want anyone thinking I haven't thought about it :)


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