Yesterday's war memorial thieves certainly did.
Thanks to Tony F on Pinkstone's Blog for highlighting, once again, how depressingly disrespectful people are. The theft of five brass panels bearing the names of fallen soldiers from a memorial in Manchester beggars belief (well to those non-coppers who still hold a fuzzy sense of faith and happiness in the basic goodness of people).
The BBC article cites Philips Cemetary in Bradford. However, I doubt Bradford is in GMP's catchment area! so I suspect it's in Phillips Park in East Manchester.
The thefts are suspectedly in order to sell the plaques for cash, perhaps £300 each. All in time for Remeberance Sunday of course. If not returned, it will take £10,000 and many months to replace them. I think we should poppy pop the robbers off to the pen (permission to groan).
So I'll not worry too much about my bicycle seat that was missing presumed snaffled for cash when I arrived at the train station after work today... it's quite embarrasing walking with a bicycle through a crowded area with a bright yellow jacket on because you can't ride standing up!