Wednesday, 30 July 2008

Quote for today (is back!)

How many times!!!

From the NPIA website:

"Using traditional processes when dealing with a drink driver, it is not

uncommon for a defendant's details to be written or typed up to 16

times before appearing in court. The introduction of mobile information

begins to reduce this enormous burden and with sustained long term

development will change the face of policing in the future."

Friday, 25 July 2008

Oh, and here's another one...

Care of De-tec-tive

These ex-police officers are always getting into trouble,

oh sorry, article care of Dickiebo too, funny that, for some reason I looked at his blog after typing something about former police officers getting into trouble or something...can't quite put my finger on why...

Fixed Penalty 0001

This guy has been fined for smoking in his van. I'm on his side, he doesn't carry passengers, and no-one else uses it.

"It not my place of work - I decorate houses not vans."

Thursday, 24 July 2008

The benefits of global warming

(Or as our youngest calls it - "global warning")

How lucky we are that the polar ice caps are melting, it makes it much easier for us to drill down and tap all the lovely oil and gas that's down there.


Better safe than sorry

I've seen the studies that say there's no evidence of mobile phone use causing cancer, but always wondered how long those studied lasted for, and what longer-term effects may be. This is basically giving us a warning that we should be careful, particularly where children are concerned, whose brains are still developing.

"A major six-year research study in the UK said last year that there
were no short-term adverse effects to brain and cell function from
mobile phone use.

However, the UK Mobile Telecommunications and Health Research
Programme said there was a "hint" of a higher cancer risk in the long
term and that its research would look into the effects over a 10-year

"I am convinced that there are sufficient data to warrant issuing an
advisory to share some precautionary advice on cell phone use,"

Programme chairman Professor Lawrie Challis said: "We can't
rule out the possibility at this stage that cancer could appear in a
few years' time.""

Wednesday, 9 July 2008

Lock up your bunnies

aww, poor bunnies. I only used to worry about foxes etc, now there's someone in Germany going round chopping their heads off, perhaps using something like Google Earth to find houses with hutches. Scary stuff!

I've decided to disguise mine, below are the before and after pictures...

Police imitators to be shot on sight

No vehicles, task's like England then?

Thursday, 3 July 2008

Sunsets for Dickiebo

A nice view when you need a break from work.