Sunday, 14 October 2007

Spread the Word and Sign up

Men and women, we really need to spread the word about this pay gap, and help to do something about it.

"The pay gap is a rip-off equivalent of men getting paid all year and women working for free from October 30th.

With women working full-time paid 17% less an hour than men on average, women’s work is being discounted scandalously."

Sign the petition, write to your local newspaper, or join or organise a Women's No Pay Day Campaign event

Friday, 12 October 2007

Post dissertation clear out

In response to Frances Blog and Facebook question - not any more hahaha! :)


Messy desk


Tidy desk!!

My first response was to step 1:

"Clear the clutter. Instead of incrementally sorting through your drawers and desktop, start by dumping the lot somewhere else and only allowing the important things back."

There's a big pile of cds, papers, wires, floppy disks!?! on the floor to the left of me, does that defeat the object (not to mention the windowsil) ah well, I've got room for more piles of paper now :)

Still messy sil :(

ps. methinks the desktop could do with a looking at next, can never find anything!
It's been worse mind...

Tuesday, 9 October 2007

Ahhhhh :)

Sorry for not posting for so long, I've been working veeerry hard on my dissertation - just finished printing it :)

then I deleted 2,700 emails from my yahoo account that I have collected over about 3 years, it feels kinda strange, I'm definitely an email hoarder, eek!

I'll post a link to my dissertation as soon as I've anonymised a particular force I mention.
